V-nite Value:
Black=1, Pink=4, Clear=8

Player Board V-naut Set-up:
Food(4), Water/Air(4), Shields(4), Power(1), Mechanical(1), Mining(0)

Player Board V-nite Set-up:
Player 1 (0), Player 2 (1), Player 3 (2), Player 4 (3), Player 5 (4), Player 6 (5)

Card Set-up:
2-4 Players: 20 Cards per phase
5-6 Players: 28 Cards per phase
-> Shuffle, replace 1 random Phase 3 card with the Earth card, then reshuffle. Cards are stacked with Phase 3 on the bottom and Phase 1 on the Top

Event Card Glossary
Innvovation Card Glossary
End-game Score App
Cities of Venus: Survivors